

When to publish on your social media in 2022?

Image media sociaux

In order to ensure a better visibility on social networks, it is important to publish at the right time. Today’s Internet users use each social network for different reasons. Therefore, these different uses imply different strategies. Thus, a particular method…

The 21 graphic design trends of 2022

Image design graphique

Are you creating communication materials to better present your company’s visual identity? Then be on your guard, because it is now 2022! The world of graphic design is undergoing great changes. For the creation of your supports, you will have…

What are the benefits of outsourcing?

Towards the end of the 1980s, many companies started to opt for outsourcing. With the right providers, they could enjoy the benefits of outsourcing such as a higher competitive score and greater flexibility. Do you also want to outsource some…

What is Web 3.0?

Image Web 3.0

With the advent of the metaverse and NFT, not to mention the latest updates from Google as well as the new social networking news, one can only say that technology keeps evolving. It used to be Web 1.0, then Web…

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